Leadership Coaching
and Business Development
Coaching for Change Enterprise offers Sales Leadership Coaching and Business Development Training Program that is for those who want to become Professional External Coaches. The program teaches and trains the participants in the Core Coaching Competencies and Code of Ethics as defined by the ICF (International Coaching Federation). The program prepares the participants for conducting a trustworthy and grounded coaching practice for their potential clients. The purpose of the training is to prepare graduates for the ICF internationally trusted coach accreditation at Level 2 (Professional Certified Coach).
We adhere to the ICF's Program Accreditation Code of Conduct. Our Instructors, Mentor, Supervisors and Examiners are the practicing ICF Accredited Coaches complying to the ICF Code of Ethics.
Coaching for Change Enterprise is grounded on empowering an efficient performance, collaboration and evolution of Sales, Leadership, and Business Development as a Business Partner. For us, individuals, teams and organizations are living organisms. We facilitate our client’s Development Journey towards acting empowered, clearer about their purpose and direction, recognizing that their experiences serve them as valuable learning through which they evolve in the spirit of Business.
The coach training, mentoring and supervising programs are intended for people with an open intention, who feel the calling of the coaching profession for their empowerment skills, to grow and who want to work with other people to support them in their growth and evolution. Our services are delivered in one-to-one, relationships of two and group (3-100) format.
Our coach training, supervision and mentor coaching programs combine the art, ethics, competencies and standards outlined by the ICF with knowledge and experience of the fields clients most often choose to evolve in, as individuals, as partners in a relationship, and as members of teams or communities.
This course is delivered in two different Languages; Persian and English.
Sales Leadership Coaching and Business Development is a comprehensive coaching course comprising of different parts:
- Sales Coaching
- Leadership Coaching
- Sales Leadership Coaching
- Business Development
The aim of this course is to provide essential knowledge and coaching skills, enabling to engage in the practice of a qualified, professional coach in the areas of Sales, Leadership, and Business Development offering a variety of coaching methodologies, techniques and tools that can be used by professional coaches as well as business professionals in their coaching role. It equips you with skills to attain a high level in coaching - both in a business & life environment.
The mission of Sales Leadership Coaching and Business Development program is to grow the awareness of the benefits of coaching and contribute to building coaching cultures within organizations and in their teams. As the internal coaching trend is empowering, we aim to significantly support Senior Leaders, Sales, and Business Development professionals to go through this transformational journey.
Who can be interested?
The Sales Leadership Coaching and Business Development course is directed to managers, senior leaders, HR professionals, business skills trainers, counselors, consultants, psychologists, educators and everyone who is interested in coaching and development.
Program Description
The Sales Leadership Coaching and Business Development Training Program is a 170 h training Program. It includes comprehensive instruction around the ICF Core Competencies, Code of Ethics and Definition of Coaching.
It consists of face-to-face/online Training, Mentor Coaching, Observed Coaching Sessions with one-to-one feedback and a Final Exam. The online piece is delivered over Zoom.
The participants acquire practical and theoretical knowledge, awareness of the ethical conduct with multiple opportunities to develop their skills under the guidance of the faculty and also to elaborate what is Sales and Sales Leadership under the eye of Coaching approach.
The Sales Leadership Coaching and Business Development Program consists of one complete part involving coaching principles, coaching processing and the Sales Leadership Coaching Module.
The training experience is grounded in the coach's deep personal development, eliciting their intuitive potential and expanding the awareness of personal vocation. The participants master Sales Leadership coaching and learn foundations of business coaching based on new founding in team leadership as well.
The Implementation
- 3 sets of 5 days of group training spread over 4 months, overall about 90 h training; (online training)
- 80 h of focusing on a business development project
- 7h of group mentor coaching
- 3h of one-to-one mentor coaching; 3h one-to-one is all about observed coaching sessions: it means a participant audio-record 3 coaching sessions, the instructor provides an individual oral and written feedback on 8 ICF Core Competencies at the ICF Level 2
- Final ICF Level 2 Performance Evaluation
- This course is delivered in two different Languages; Persian and English.