Compliance Policy
Purpose of the Policy
Coaching for Change Enterprise wishes to provide a comfortable, productive, legal, and ethical learning environment. To this end we want you to bring any grievance you have about the programs you have experienced with us to the attention of either our instructor or the admission. Considering these concerns, we have instituted the following grievance procedure. This grievance policy template defines potential grievances that might arise at the training experience or any experience within Coaching for Change Enterprise Staff, outlines the procedures for resolving grievances, explains how to file and handle a formal complaint, and addresses the possible consequences for violating the policy.
We have established this Grievance Policy to foster good relations in our coaching community and ensure that grievances are addressed effectively, respectfully, and timely without any delay. All students/clients and the beneficiaries should clearly understand this Policy and follow it to the latter whenever grievances arise.
Student/Client grievances involve concerns, problems or complaints that they raise within each program, staff, and/or administration.
Scope of the Policy
The Grievance Policy applies to all employees, applicants and all the students, clients and management while working on the actual workplace premises or while training or coaching is being held elsewhere under the name of Coaching for Change Enterprise. The Policy also applies to third-party contractors working within the Company premises or getting professional development solutions from the Coaching for Change Enterprise Institute.
Coaching for Change Enterprise Institute provides all students the right to know how their grievances will be resolved.
Policy Procedure:
If a student/ client violates Coaching for Change Enterprise cores of ethics and its Standards of Conduct in a classroom or coaching/mentoring environment, the first level of discipline lies with the instructor. If a situation demands further action, the Director of Education is responsible. If a student/client has a serious objection to the disciplinary action imposed, the student/client has the right to use the grievance process as outlined herein. When a student/client violates Coaching for Change Enterprise, and its Standards of Conduct outside the classroom but on mentor-coaching sessions, the Director of Education is the first level of discipline. If a student/client is dissatisfied with the disciplinary action imposed, the student/client has the right to use the grievance process as outlined herein.
The procedures will be followed when dealing with a grievance or dispute in relation to an individual student/client. It will not generally be applied to collective disputes which are dealt with under a separate procedure. Allegations of harassment will also be dealt with under a separate procedure.
The policy and procedures aim to ensure that:
- The procedures are known by all students/clients;
- Any student can raise grievances and issues in respect of their program within our coaching school;
- Grievances are dealt with promptly and in a fair and supportive manner; and as near as possible to the point of origin;
- A fair appeal procedure is available.
Policy Procedure:
The procedure includes matters relating to:
- Discipline and Dismissal
- Harassment: The procedure excludes matters relating to: Harassment is defined as any behavior that is unwelcome, unwanted, and creates an uncomfortable or hostile environment. This behavior can be in the form of sexual advances and/or requests, jokes, comments, offensive remarks, offensive pictures. Harassment can also be verbal abuse or bullying.
- Any other matters over which the school has no control.
The Nature of Grievance
Grievances can arise from a variety of sources, and it is important for members of the institution to recognize that many potential problems and difficulties can and are better resolved informally and as quickly as possible. Formal procedures are intended to be used for problems which are serious in themselves, or serious because they remain unresolved after informal steps have failed to achieve a satisfactory outcome.
Coaching for Change Enterprise Administration:
The CFC coaching school administration will make and maintain a Grievance Policy and Procedures. The CFC coaching school administration has delegated to the instructors, coaches, and staff the responsibility for dealing with student/client grievances. The CFC coaching school administration delegates responsibilities for dealing with grievances to appropriate Directors of Departments at the informal stage.
The Co-founder/CEO has the responsibility for managing the procedures and for resolving grievances as far as is reasonably practicable. The Co-founder/CEO must
ensure that the procedures are known to all students/beneficiaries.
The Co-founders/CEO delegates power to require appropriate Director of Education and Instructors and or Coaches to resolve grievances and disputes in the first instance- the instructor- and to pass the matter to the Director of Education if it has proved impossible to resolve satisfactorily.
Director of Education (DOE):
When the grievance has been formally raised with the Director of Education, the person acts as a mediator investigating the facts of the conflict. It will be made clear to the student/client that the responsibility for the decision lies with the School Grievance Committee. The Director of Education must aim to resolve any formal grievances referred to him/her as promptly and as sensitively as possible. The Director of Education must advise the student/client, in writing, that the person may be accompanied at the grievance meeting without biases. The Director of Education ensures that any decision regarding the grievance is communicated to the student/client. The Director of Education will carry out a thorough investigation, after which the person will make the findings and recommendations. The person does not have the authority to make decisions. During the course of the investigation, the Director of Education may be supported by instructor and/or staff.
Instructor and Staff:
Instructors and Staff have the responsibility for ensuring that any informal grievance brought to their attention is considered promptly and a resolution sought. They are expected to apply the procedures and conduct any investigation in a sensitive and considerate manner. Instructor and Staff is expected to inform the Director of Education that a grievance has been raised and is being dealt with informally.
If it proves impossible to resolve a grievance satisfactorily, Instructor and staff can refer the matter to the Director of Education with the consent of the complainant.
The Students/clients:
The students/clients must first discuss a grievance on the relevant subject with their instructors, as soon as possible. The student/client might have the duty to use every endeavor to resolve the dispute satisfactorily as the coaching school administration expects that students/clients will also set out with the intention of settling the dispute as with respect and following the school rules.
Right of Appeal:
If a complaint is not handled in a satisfactory manner, the student/client has the right to request the complaint to be referred to the Coaching School Grievance Committee consisting of the Coaching School Co-founder, a staff member, and an independent third party. This committee will meet within 21 calendar days of receipt of the complaint. Any and all discussions and meetings will be documented, and a copy provided to the complainant at the time of the meeting. If more information from the complainant is needed, a letter will be written outlining the additional information.
If no further information is needed the complaint committee will act on the allegations and a letter will be sent to the complainant within 15 days stating the steps taken to correct the problem, or information to show that the allegation was not warranted or based on fact. It’s important for us to create a satisfactory result for our students/clients.
Equal Opportunities:
In all the procedures, all parties have an equal opportunities policy and to ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief, nor age.
Monitoring and Review:
The Coaching for Change Enterprise Administration will review the policy every two years and after any formal disciplinary action has been taken.
In order to preserve the rules of the natural justice for all parties, the Director of Education and Co-founder/CEO must ensure that matters relating to any disputes are not discussed outside the meetings called expressly to consider the matters or discussed with students/clients, instructors, and/or staff who are not involved in the situation.