Ethical Marketing Statement


Coaching for Change Enterprise is promoting the highest standard of professional, ethical norms and values for its practitioners, academics, and students throughout the coaching industry.
We develop coaches who follow the ICF Code of Ethics and operate in the best interests of the coaching industry, our students, staff, and leadership.

Norms and Values
Norms demonstrate established standards of conduct that are expected and maintained by society and/or professional coaching organizations.
Values represent the collective conception of what coaching communities find desirable, essential, and morally proper. Values also serve as the lens through which we evaluate our actions.
We act as stewards of society in creating, facilitating, and executing the coaching engagements and other transactions that are part of a larger economy.

We Commit to Honesty in Marketing
We commit to honesty in our marketing and communications, and we are as transparent as possible to create a safe environment for our potential clients to make the best decision for them.

We pledge to
Never use dishonest marketing tactics for our own campaigns, including:

  • False advertising: exaggerating values and benefits of products and services
  • Fake reviews and testimonials
  • Inflated analytics or results when creating messaging for advertising

Only using words that are realistic descriptors of the products, services, or impact we are promoting.

Ethical Norms
In marketing coaching and coach training, Coaching for Change Enterprise must:
Do no harm. No harm means intentionally and carefully avoiding harmful actions or omissions. We embody high ethical standards and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in our choices.
Foster trust in the marketing system. Good faith and fair dealing drive our contribution toward the exchange process’s efficacy and avoiding deception in product design, pricing, communication, and distribution delivery.
Embrace ethical values. Relationships and enhanced consumer confidence in marketing integrity affirm these core values: honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency, and citizenship.
Our Ethical Values are:

  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Transparency
  • Authenticity

Honesty and Respect – to be forthright in dealings with clients and stakeholders.


To this end, we will
Strive to be truthful without exception.
Honor our explicit and implicit commitments and promises.
Offer products of value that do what we claim in our communications.
Strive to serve the needs of our clients.
Avoid using coercion with all stakeholders.
Acknowledge the social obligations to stakeholders with increased marketing and economic power.

We Commit to Ethical Digital Advertising
All advertising content lands somewhere on the honesty spectrum and is committed to ensuring the accuracy and ethics of the content we promote through digital advertising.
Aside from considering the accuracy and honesty of the content, we must also consider the ethics of the targeting approach. Digital advertising brings its own unique set of ethical issues related to data privacy. As consumer attitudes and technologies change, the ethical considerations that surround digital advertising are rapidly evolving. It is highly likely that the line of what is both legal and ethically acceptable will shift many times over the short and long term.

We believe
Represent products in selling, advertising, and other communication forms; this includes avoiding false, misleading, and deceptive promotion. Reject manipulations and sales tactics that harm clients trust.
Avoid knowing participation in conflicts of interest. Seek to protect the private information of clients , employees, and partners.
Respect – to acknowledge the basic human dignity of all stakeholders.

We will
Value individual differences and avoid stereotyping individuals or depicting demographic groups (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation) in a harmful or dehumanizing way. Listen to clients’ needs and make all reasonable efforts to monitor and improve their satisfaction on an ongoing basis.
Make every effort to understand and respectfully treat all cultures equally . We believe coaching and empowering is for everyone. Acknowledge the contributions of others, such as consultants, employees, and coworkers, to marketing endeavors.
Treat everyone, including our competitors, as we would prefer being treated and look at them as our partners rather than competitors. Transparency – to create a spirit of openness in marketing operations and creating alternative opportunities.

To this end, we will
Strive to communicate clearly with all constituencies.
Accept constructive feedback from clients and other stakeholders.
Explain and take appropriate action regarding significant feedback that could affect clients or their perception of the purchase decision.

We believe in Giving Back to Community
Give back to the community through volunteerism and charitable donations.
Commit to contributing to the overall betterment of marketing and its reputation.
These ethical values are important for us to be implemented.

Questions and Feedback
We always strive to do the right and adhere to these ethical practices. If you have questions or feedback to share that will help us do better, we encourage you to reach out and let us know.
Please contact us and let us be there to support you.
[email protected]


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